ADHD Research Opportunities at UC Davis MIND Institute

Two ADHD-related studies at the UC Davis MIND Institute are currently recruiting participants:


The UC Davis MIND Institute is currently recruiting for The MIND Institute Infant Sibling Study!

Researchers are conducting a study of early social, language, cognitive, and motor development of infants from birth through 36 months of age.

Families involved in the study will have several visits to the MIND Institute until your child is 3 years old, will receive close tracking of their baby’s development with feedback from experts, and will receive monetary reimbursement for each visit and for completing questionnaires.

Eligible participants in the study are babies with an older sibling with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), or typical development. If you are pregnant or have an infant, contact Alesha Hill at (916) 703-0297 or to learn more. More information about the study is also available at the Infant Sibling Study webpage.


MINT STUDY (Mapping Impulsivity’s Neurodevelopmental Trajectory)

The UC Davis MIND Institute is actively recruiting teenagers and young adults (ages 12-23) who are Typically Developing or who have ADHD to participate in the MINT Study.

Recent research suggests that a lot of new learning and brain development occur in the teen and young adult years. We are trying to understand more about these exciting changes. Our main focus is the development of cognitive control and independence. We are tracking the same individuals over 4 years

as they reach early adulthood and self-reliance. Each year’s participation will be split into approximately 2-4 visits to UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento (MIND Institute and/or Imaging Research Center). For each visit, participants will meet for 2-4 hours with personnel and research assistants from Dr. Julie Schweitzer’s lab.

Participants will be compensated financially. Families may receive the results of all testing (IQ) and rating scales upon request. Each participant also receives a T-shirt with a picture of their brain from their fMRI scan. More information is available at: the MINT Study webpage.

If you have questions, or would like to participate, please contact the research team: MINT Study Coordinators, (916) 703-0294 or

Principal Investigator: Julie Schweitzer, Ph.D.